Small Goals-Big Rewards

greensingardenI’ve been talking and dreaming about growing my own greens for as long as I’ve known about the nutritional importance of leafy greens–a very long time. I’ve had visions of preparing my evening salad from ingredients I’d planted, grown and cut from my little garden plot….

It’s good to dream big and of course some of our dreams never materialize. But I’m happy to report that this one has! This year I finally did it–I planted more than tomatoes.  When I say “I” what I really mean to say is “we”. My husband Andrew rarely gets credit for all the little (and big) things he does to help me. If it hadn’t been for him this small accomplishment of mine would probably still be a dream! He’s the one who cleared the area, built the raised bed, tilled  the soil and put the mulch down. What I did was buy the seed packets, dig holes and plant the little seeds. I also watered religiously!

I think the most delightful sight is the first sign of the baby sprouts popping through the soil. It still amazes me that we can actually grow some of our own food right in our back yard! What’s almost as cool is that we can do it without pesticides or chemicals! All you need is a desire to garden, a nice sunny spot and some seeds or plants.  The packets tell you when and how to plant. Some things do better than others though. I also planted Broccoli Rabe– it’s coming up very slowly– and brussels sprouts.

lettuceingarden                  We eat lots of carrots so figured I’d give them a try. So far, so good


And here’s our first salad made with greens we grew in our garden! Absolutely delicious!

firstsaladA big thank you to  fellow BbGer Jen Danaceau for inspiring me to expand my garden from flowers and tomatoes to my beautiful greens! If we can do it so can you. Planting and harvesting your own veggies is pretty easy, very fun and extremely rewarding.  Go for it!